ADBL Roller Hard Cut 1L - Pasta lucidante per taglio forte
ADBL Hard Cut polishing compound is an extremely versatile cutting paste con an innovative composition. It allows the removal of deep scratches from the surface of the paint. It’s a modern polishing compound of the highest quality, which will easily deal con tarnishing from sandpaper con P1000 - P1500 gradation. The final effect of scratch removal e the level of gloss can be modified by choosing the destra polishing pads e machines matched to the type of paint. Homogenous grain of the abrasive material, tenfold smaller than conventional ones allows for a very alto level of cutting e alto gloss. Alto efficiency of polishing e basso level of dusting is possible thanks to the used technology which significantly shortens the working time on the surface. ADBL Hard Cut can be used con all types of paints both original e re-painted. Apart from very good cutting power, it also leaves a smooth finish. The water-based formula does not contain silicones, fillers e waxes, which has a great effect on the removal of leftover paint as well as dust generated during work. It leaves a transparent film which makes it possible to inspect current work progress. Pleasant scent will make even the longest working time enjoyable. ADBL Hard Cut is a universal polishing compound, made to work con a rotary as well as a dual-action polishing machine which can be used con wool, foam or microfiber polishing pads. Thanks to a very good finish, in case of harder paints, con the appropriate selection of the pad e the machine, it can be used as a one-porta paint correction method. ADBL Hard Cut important features : Removes tarnishing from P1000-P1500 paper. Shortens work time. Leaves a alto level of gloss. Contains the highest quality homogenous aluminium oxide. Does not contain silicones, fillers or waxes. Pleasant scent. Easy to use. Works con Rotary/DA machines e wool/foam/microfiber pads. Ultra-efficient e basso-dusting. Water based – easy to removal.
ADBL è un produttore europeo di prodotti per la cura dell'auto di alta qualità. Il marchio ha rapidamente guadagnato riconoscimento tra gli appassionati di detailing auto e è diventato una delle prime scelte per i professionisti. La forza del marchio ADBL risiede nell'innovazione. I prodotti che produce hanno formule uniche e attentamente sviluppate, che sono altamente efficaci e sicure. ADBL produce anche accessori, macchine lucidatrici e altri strumenti utili, fornendo tutti gli elementi necessari per una pulizia completa dell'auto. Tutti i prodotti del marchio sono sviluppati da ADBL dalla A alla Z - a partire dal concetto iniziale, passando per la composizione, fino al design del packaging. Che tu sia all'inizio nel mondo del detailing o che tu sia uno specialista, la qualità di questi prodotti non ti deluderà certamente.